Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kauai Continued


Our first trip to another island was awesome! We found out why Kauai is considered one of the wettest places in the world. And the rain didn't dampen our moods or our fun, we had a great time hiking, checking out sites, and just enjoying some quality time together. I think Tim and I have learned the secret to traveling, make the most of wherever you are and whatever you're doing, just make the most of it. It's all about attitude, and although we were very wet this entire trip, we had the very best time together!!

We took so many pictures that i'm just going to start with one slide show and add more on as time allows me. Oh, and we took this trip a few weeks ago, on Columbus Day weekend.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

October is a beautiful month!

October is my favorite month, and not just because of my birthday, but because of the way it feels and smells and looks. There are pumpkins by the doors, the leaves change colors, it feels cooler outside, AND starbucks serves their pumpkin spice lattes. Everything feels warm and cozy and snugly (is that a word?). Of course, in Hawaii this is not really the case, BUT i like to pretend this is the case, and i have a pretty vivid imagination so this works out pretty well for me.

I get all bundled up and go to the movies, where they have the A/C kicking, and wear my fall clothes and pretend the leaves are changing colors, which actually some of them do, although they'll be blooming again next week, but whatever. Then I walk to the commissary with my pumpkin spice latte and buy as many pumpkins as i can to decorate my house with, and i bake as many pumpkin recipes as i can to serve to my friends. I'm learning it's what you make of things, what you make of life, you can really learn to be happy anywhere, you just have to be a little creative sometimes!

Yet, I am a little sad October is almost over, and i'm even more sad i haven't blogged for the entire month, because honestly, we've been up to sooo much! I guess i'll just have to fill you in with some pictures, and maybe November i'll do a better job of keeping up. Oh, and by the way, we finally got internet at our house, YAY!!! Now i have NO excuses!!

Tim surprised me with the perfect gift: an organized, surprise birthday weekend. He knows i love surprises, but he also knows i love order and organization. So he made me a notebook with a timeline for the whole weekend, and i got to choose what events we did. It was the perfect birthday weekend and such a sweet surprise! Of course the weekend included shopping and the cheesecake factory!

I love birthday presents!! Thanks to everyone for their thoughtfulness and love!

Tiger loved all the presents my Mom sent me via mail...he loves to eat the boxes! Thanks Mom!

Random Birthday Pics...