Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yay, for family, friends, and food! There's just so much to be thankful for!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Twilight Mania

Yes, i'm one of the millions of people across the globe that waited in line for hours last night to see the opening night of New Moon. And it was SOOOOOO worth it! I realize some people just don't get the whole Twilight craze, and that's cool and all, to each his own, but if you've read the books, then you know what i'm talking about!! The books are incredible, lots more depth than some teenage heart-throb. I could attempt to explain why the books are so mesmerizing, but to save time, i'll just say read them for yourself and then make your own opinion.

Unfortunately, the first movie was very disappointing, in my opinion, because they didn't stick to the book script at all. It was too theatrical and lovey-dovey, and just silly. But this second movie, with the new director, was AMAZING!! They did such a wonderful job keeping with the script and plot of the book, and the characters really came to life.

It was insane though! The whole island of Oahu was sold out. When we arrived at our theater at 8pm to watch the 12:01am showing, there was already a three hour+ line waiting to get in. They had to open 12 movie screens, and each theater was full to the max. We got awesome seats and managed to be in the largest movie screen room! It was SOOOO much fun, i felt like i was in college all over again, which is fitting since we were surrounded by mostly high school and college kids!

And i do have to say, I have the absolute BEST husband in the world! Because not only did he go with me, he bought our tickets early, he waited in line with me, he brought me hamburgers and french fries and starbucks to snack on while we were in line, and he even walked to Borders to buy us magazines to read! What a man!! =) And to top all of that off, when we finally got home at 3am, he set his alarm for 6am to get up and go to work. And he did all of this because he loves me. How could i ever, ever ask for more?!! We had the best night ever together! It was so silly and crazy and fun; i'm so lucky to be married to my best friend!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Running Blues

It's official, after 3hours and 18 miles of running in one day, I officially HATE marathon training!! In the past 11 weeks, i've run a little over 400miles, that's more than anyone should run in their lifetime!! And i still have about 200 miles left before i even reach the marathon and get, yes get, to run 26.2 miles. This is officially the dumbest idea i have ever had in my entire life. Whatever possessed me to run a marathon needs to be taken out of my head, trampled on, and never be allowed to see the light of day again!

I know, I know, you're probably thinking, 'oh what a huge accomplishment, how wonderful to be able to tell your kids one day that you ran a marathon', HA!! Are you kidding me, it is SOOO not worth it! And besides, i don't even have kdis!! Ok, so now you are probably thinking, 'why in the world are you still running? why haven't you quit yet?' Are you kidding me??? If i quit now, then it would completely erase the 400 miles i've already run, it would be like they never even happened. So i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, and both hurt my feet very badly.

Yet here i am, 4 weeks away from the marathon, feet aching, back sore, toes bleeding, and of course, LOTS of complaining, but i'm still running. Running, and Running, and Running... as if my life depended on it, as if each step takes me a second closer to crossing that finish line, as if some day i'll look back and remember when i was young and capable of running 26.2 miles in one day without dying. Yes, maybe one day i will look back on this time in my life with joy and jubilation, and maybe even feel proud of this accomplishment, but until that day comes, i truly HATE marathon training!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our Home

We'll have our first visitors in just a few weeks, and we are so excited! Having company always motivates me to clean, organize, and hang more pictures on our walls. So that's what i'm in the process of doing. Unfortunately, this process is going rather slowly. I really do enjoy cleaning, organizing, and hanging pictures, but I have to motivate myself to get in the mood to do all these things, and lately, well, i just haven't been in the mood.

Since i haven't posted pics of our house yet, I decided to make this blog a before and after glimpse. This will give you an idea of our traumatic move-in experience, and will testify to the fact that we really weren't exaggerating, it was horrific, and a good learning experience. Prepare yourself, these pics are pretty shocking! =)

Before the movers delivered our stuff, borrowing Army furniture:

After the movers came and destroyed our stuff. Literally, they just opened each box and dumped it upside down. Fun, huh?

But don't worry, we've learned we can pretty much survive any crisis! This is our house now. The downstairs was set up for my book club, so normally we don't have 15 chairs in the living room, but you get the picture! You'll just have to come visit to see the upstairs =).