Monday, February 22, 2010

What I Love about Hawaii...

On any given day, I might encounter any of the following...

my sweet husband asleep with our new little kitty, booger:

a beautiful sunset:

Tim experimenting with his cooking skills, and I get to be the taste-tester!

a night out on the town, celebrating valentine's day:

randomly stumbling upon the cast of LOST:


Kristen said...

I'm so jealous!!! That's awesome!!! I still can't believe that!!!!!!!

debiachi said...

Oh My Goodness ..... Sarah's going to DIE!!!!

steve said...

Watch that Ben guy....I think he's dead, and there is a black cloud that wants to take him for a ride...Where's Jacob????

David Boland said...

I can't believe you guys met the Lost cast! Now we REALLY have to switch assignments (even though the show will be over by then). Awesome pics!

Sarah said...

I mean seriously, John and Ben (acutally don't know their REAL names) look like the sweetest men ever. Seriously can't remember the last time I felt true jealously. . . oh wait, every time I see these pics!

Rebecca said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so jealous! :)

jen said...

I love you. You suck. You suck. You suck.


I know, I know, I really don't mean to suck, we had no idea they'd be there...we were just going for a hike! Kind of wishing we had known, i would have taken a shower that morning =)!