Monday, February 16, 2009

Jenny's Baby Shower

Ok, I realize this blog is more for writing than posting pictures, but as of this point my brain is so tired from trying to get everything ready to move, process off base, find tenants for our houses, and a good leasing company, etc.... that I really don't have much to say!! But I did want to attempt to catch everyone up with our life here in San Antonio, at least for another month, and show off some fun pics for our family and friends to enjoy. So, I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Ok, thought I would attempt to catch up with the last few months.... SO here are a few pics from my graduation. I am very fortunate to have such a loving and supportive extended family! My grandparents have made it to every important event in my life, and my aunts and uncles have always made such a huge effort to be at every graduation, wedding, and basically any life accomplishment. I feel very fortunate and I hope I can be just as great of an Aunt to my new niece Anniston. Thanks to everyone who made the trip out, and a special thanks to my Dad who assembled a beautiful celebration dinner and helped make all the hotel reservations!
My Wonderful Aunts!
My Mom and I walking to our seats... my Mom graduated with her Doctorate and I graduated with my Masters, and yes, we were able to walk down together!
Waiting to walk the stage, hoods in hand

Yay, we graduated!!